Friday, December 16, 2011

Discovery, or About this blog

Everyone knows that to have a good blog you need a good subject. Be useful. Provide consistent, on topic information from which a reader can benefit.

Sorry, but I just don't see that happening.

Instead, what I plan to do with this is evaluate where I am today, and how I got here. Maybe there are some lessons to be learned. Hopefully, by taking some time to think and evaluate where I've been and how I got where I am, I can better know where I am headed and how to end up where I want to be.

The point is, like any selfish blogger, this is pretty much just for me. But one is the loneliest number, so I invite you to come along.

Maybe once I get used to this kind of thought-channeling I will recognize what it is I want to write about. But for now, all that I can offer is what I have. And perhaps one other thing, a positive message. I'll leave the negativity to the paid media. So you can count on that. Happy and uplifting posts.

Here's to happy reading.